zaterdag, december 06, 2003
I am no photo editor. But this is the time when we begin to see roundups of the best news photos of the past year. And just running the loop of the year's most memorable pictures in my head, a funny thing happens: I keep seeing staged photos. For those who are sticklers for definition, I am defining "staged" as any photo arranged through the efforts of the person pictured, or arranged to reflect that person's world view.
There's that photo, for instance, of President George W. Bush making his tailhook landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln. That is a shoo-in for the top 10 list, and a classic of staged photography. There's Bush again, taking turkey with the troops during his lightning visit to Baghdad last week. That's sure to be included, too. Then there's the big one - the picture of Saddam Hussein's statue being pulled down with ropes by American soldiers in Baghdad. That will have to be the No. 1 news photo of the year 2003.
Let journalism think-tankers explain the significance of this high number of photo-op pictures among the enduring images of the year. Maybe it means nothing in particular. Maybe it means the White House has figured out if not how to win a war on terrorism, how to convey pictures that make it look like it is winning a war somewhere about something or other.
There were other pictures this year, I know: The year's roundup will include the mug shot of Michael Jackson and one of the gap-toothed Arnold Schwarzenegger; and one each from the stories of the California wildfires, the Northeast blackout, the stooped Pope who defiantly keeps on; the miraculously recovered, living Elizabeth Smart. Others, I'm forgetting. Others are still to be made in the last 26 days.
But between you and me, the most compelling images of the year have probably been the photos never taken - pictures one can only imagine, even if one might not actually want to see them.
There are no enduring photos, for instance, of the costs of the war in Iraq. I have seen some pictures of American soldiers killed. But usually these are met with angry denunciations by the public, and American newspapers are not publishing many. There have been some pictures of killed and wounded Iraqi civilians, including children, but usually these too are met with angry denunciations by the public; and American newspapers are not publishing many.
The traditional photographing of flag-draped coffins descending from U.S. military planes, bearing home the bodies of American soldiers killed in the war, has been banned, for the time being, by the Pentagon. We do not have these images engraved on us, as we do the images of the statue falling, and the president flying here and there.
But these are real pictures for me, and perhaps for you. I keep them in the photo loop of my inner eye, where they run every time I am told again that things are improving, or that 60 percent of the people of Iraq are glad to see us.
OK, this is not about the Year in Photos. It's about the country's conscience. Photo images - not the staged ones, but the ones that capture life unfolding in all its unpredictability and awesomeness - are among the most powerful informers of the national conscience. Without them, we are left making only choices that have been stage managed: To vote or not, to shop or not, to see or look away.
When a woman was trampled by a crowd of shoppers running for DVDs on sale at Wal-Mart last week, there was no photographer on hand to snap the picture. But the image of that woman, huddled on the floor as others walked over her "like a herd of elephants," according to her sister, is near the top of my list of the year's indelible, if unphotographed, images. (The woman survived.)
When I think of Wal-Mart, or holiday shopping, or DVDs - or this year's model of the American conscience - I see that picture, the unedited emblem of American consumerism in its most extreme form: the willingness to kill for bargains. It is of a piece with the other unpublished photos in my loop - at least according to the photo editor in charge of my darkroom this year.
Paul Vitello/Newsday
There's that photo, for instance, of President George W. Bush making his tailhook landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln. That is a shoo-in for the top 10 list, and a classic of staged photography. There's Bush again, taking turkey with the troops during his lightning visit to Baghdad last week. That's sure to be included, too. Then there's the big one - the picture of Saddam Hussein's statue being pulled down with ropes by American soldiers in Baghdad. That will have to be the No. 1 news photo of the year 2003.
Let journalism think-tankers explain the significance of this high number of photo-op pictures among the enduring images of the year. Maybe it means nothing in particular. Maybe it means the White House has figured out if not how to win a war on terrorism, how to convey pictures that make it look like it is winning a war somewhere about something or other.
There were other pictures this year, I know: The year's roundup will include the mug shot of Michael Jackson and one of the gap-toothed Arnold Schwarzenegger; and one each from the stories of the California wildfires, the Northeast blackout, the stooped Pope who defiantly keeps on; the miraculously recovered, living Elizabeth Smart. Others, I'm forgetting. Others are still to be made in the last 26 days.
But between you and me, the most compelling images of the year have probably been the photos never taken - pictures one can only imagine, even if one might not actually want to see them.
There are no enduring photos, for instance, of the costs of the war in Iraq. I have seen some pictures of American soldiers killed. But usually these are met with angry denunciations by the public, and American newspapers are not publishing many. There have been some pictures of killed and wounded Iraqi civilians, including children, but usually these too are met with angry denunciations by the public; and American newspapers are not publishing many.
The traditional photographing of flag-draped coffins descending from U.S. military planes, bearing home the bodies of American soldiers killed in the war, has been banned, for the time being, by the Pentagon. We do not have these images engraved on us, as we do the images of the statue falling, and the president flying here and there.
But these are real pictures for me, and perhaps for you. I keep them in the photo loop of my inner eye, where they run every time I am told again that things are improving, or that 60 percent of the people of Iraq are glad to see us.
OK, this is not about the Year in Photos. It's about the country's conscience. Photo images - not the staged ones, but the ones that capture life unfolding in all its unpredictability and awesomeness - are among the most powerful informers of the national conscience. Without them, we are left making only choices that have been stage managed: To vote or not, to shop or not, to see or look away.
When a woman was trampled by a crowd of shoppers running for DVDs on sale at Wal-Mart last week, there was no photographer on hand to snap the picture. But the image of that woman, huddled on the floor as others walked over her "like a herd of elephants," according to her sister, is near the top of my list of the year's indelible, if unphotographed, images. (The woman survived.)
When I think of Wal-Mart, or holiday shopping, or DVDs - or this year's model of the American conscience - I see that picture, the unedited emblem of American consumerism in its most extreme form: the willingness to kill for bargains. It is of a piece with the other unpublished photos in my loop - at least according to the photo editor in charge of my darkroom this year.
Paul Vitello/Newsday
Los Angeles's Fahey/Klein Gallery honors the late photographer Herb Ritts with an exhibition of his work as well as a display of photos from his private collection, representing photography that he collected over 20 years. The exhibition kicks off Thursday, December 11, with an opening reception at 7 p.m.; the Herb Ritts Memorial Exhibition will be on display at the gallery through Saturday, January 24.
vrijdag, december 05, 2003
De Franse fotojournalist Jerôme Sessini (In Visu/Corbis) was op 22 november aanwezig bij het afvuren van een raket door Iraakse verzetsstrijders/terroristen. Daarbij werd een vliegtuig van het koeriersbedrijf DHL geraakt, dat net van de luchthaven van Bagdad was opgestegen.
Bekijk zelf de foto's van de (gemaskerde) groep, het prepareren en afvuren van de raket, en de gevolgen.
Achtergrondinformatie over het voorval is te lezen bij Photo District News.
Bekijk zelf de foto's van de (gemaskerde) groep, het prepareren en afvuren van de raket, en de gevolgen.
Achtergrondinformatie over het voorval is te lezen bij Photo District News.
Het Europees Jaar van gehandicapten loopt bijna op zijn eind, maar op de valreep wordt nog gauw het startsein gegeven voor een nieuw project: een fotowedstrijd voor mensen met een handicap.
Vanaf vandaag kan ingeschreven worden voor workshops die begin volgend jaar in Oost-Gelderland plaatsvinden. Los daarvan kan iedere lichamelijk of verstandelijk gehandicapte vóór 1 maart zijn of haar mooiste foto's inzenden. Thema is 'Mijn wereld', een kijkje achter de schermen van de eigen leefomgeving.
Parallel aan de tentoonstelling 'Dit is mijn wereld' exposeert voormalig schaatsster Monique Velzeboer uit Noordwijk haar foto's. Velzeboer kwam in 1993 tijdens een shorttracktraining ongelukkig ten val en liep een dwarslaesie op. Tegenwoordig is ze vanuit haar rolstoel werkzaam als fotografe, onder meer voor het Liliane Fonds. Ze is het toonbeeld van iemand die, ondanks haar handicap, flink aan de weg timmert. India, Mexico, Rwanda: ze reist de hele wereld rond. Volgende maand gaat ze voor het Liliane Fonds naar Bangladesh.
Bron: De Stentor.
Vanaf vandaag kan ingeschreven worden voor workshops die begin volgend jaar in Oost-Gelderland plaatsvinden. Los daarvan kan iedere lichamelijk of verstandelijk gehandicapte vóór 1 maart zijn of haar mooiste foto's inzenden. Thema is 'Mijn wereld', een kijkje achter de schermen van de eigen leefomgeving.
Parallel aan de tentoonstelling 'Dit is mijn wereld' exposeert voormalig schaatsster Monique Velzeboer uit Noordwijk haar foto's. Velzeboer kwam in 1993 tijdens een shorttracktraining ongelukkig ten val en liep een dwarslaesie op. Tegenwoordig is ze vanuit haar rolstoel werkzaam als fotografe, onder meer voor het Liliane Fonds. Ze is het toonbeeld van iemand die, ondanks haar handicap, flink aan de weg timmert. India, Mexico, Rwanda: ze reist de hele wereld rond. Volgende maand gaat ze voor het Liliane Fonds naar Bangladesh.
Bron: De Stentor.
A photo of Missouri's home-court victory over Colorado last Feb. 1 that appears in this season's basketball media guide was altered to erase Ricky Clemons, the troubled point guard tossed off the team this summer.
"We do that with photos quite frequently if there is something in the photo we don't like," the school's director of athletic media relations said in a telephone interview Thursday.
In the unedited picture Clemons is clearly seen walking behind two other players. The picture won a first place prize in a regional contest of the National Press Photographers Association. But in the manipulated version, Clemons is gone, replaced by a cut-and-paste repeat of another piece of the photo - which ends up putting the same courtside spectators into the media guide image twice. Clemons' white-uniformed reflection is still slightly visible on the basketball court.
"First Clemons was kicked out of the program; now he's been extracted from its past," wrote Tribune columnist Tony Messenger, who first disclosed the photo manipulation. The Tribune said the newspaper has allowed the athletic department to use its photos in team media guides, but never approved manipulation of its pictures.
Clemons pleaded guilty in April to two misdemeanors following an incident last January.
Bron: Miami Herald.
"We do that with photos quite frequently if there is something in the photo we don't like," the school's director of athletic media relations said in a telephone interview Thursday.
In the unedited picture Clemons is clearly seen walking behind two other players. The picture won a first place prize in a regional contest of the National Press Photographers Association. But in the manipulated version, Clemons is gone, replaced by a cut-and-paste repeat of another piece of the photo - which ends up putting the same courtside spectators into the media guide image twice. Clemons' white-uniformed reflection is still slightly visible on the basketball court.
"First Clemons was kicked out of the program; now he's been extracted from its past," wrote Tribune columnist Tony Messenger, who first disclosed the photo manipulation. The Tribune said the newspaper has allowed the athletic department to use its photos in team media guides, but never approved manipulation of its pictures.
Clemons pleaded guilty in April to two misdemeanors following an incident last January.
Bron: Miami Herald.
donderdag, december 04, 2003
In Amsterdam vindt deze week het Asia-Europe Forum For Young Photographers 2003 plaats.
Twintig jonge fotografen zijn uitgenodigd voor deze workshop onder leiding van gerenommeerde fotografen als Jan Anders Grarup. Ook geeft Kadir van Lohuizen een presentatie. De workshop, die haar standplaats heeft in het FOAM, is mede georganiseerd door World Press Photo.
Twintig jonge fotografen zijn uitgenodigd voor deze workshop onder leiding van gerenommeerde fotografen als Jan Anders Grarup. Ook geeft Kadir van Lohuizen een presentatie. De workshop, die haar standplaats heeft in het FOAM, is mede georganiseerd door World Press Photo.
A judge said Wednesday that two photographs of Barbra Streisand's Malibu estate posted on a website do not violate the entertainer's privacy. Superior Court Judge Allan Goodman rejected Streisand's request for an injunction that would remove the photos from a website devoted to the California coastline. He also ordered her to pay the defendant's legal fees.
Streisand filed a $10 million suit in May against Kenneth Adelman, his Internet service provider and Pictopia.com, a photo agency that distributes his work. The judge's tentative decision is expected to be finalized in a few days.
Streisand claimed the photos potentially contributed to a problem with stalkers. Adelman said he posted the photos taken from his private helicopter for scientific research on the coastline. He has posted more than 12,000 photos on the Web site.
The judge said that while Streisand has taken steps to dissuade unwanted visitors, she also granted reporters interviews in her home, permitted national magazines to publish photos of the home's interior and its grounds, and opened her home to guests. "Occasional overflights are among those ordinary incidents of community life of which Streisand is part," Goodman wrote.
Bron: AP.
Streisand filed a $10 million suit in May against Kenneth Adelman, his Internet service provider and Pictopia.com, a photo agency that distributes his work. The judge's tentative decision is expected to be finalized in a few days.
Streisand claimed the photos potentially contributed to a problem with stalkers. Adelman said he posted the photos taken from his private helicopter for scientific research on the coastline. He has posted more than 12,000 photos on the Web site.
The judge said that while Streisand has taken steps to dissuade unwanted visitors, she also granted reporters interviews in her home, permitted national magazines to publish photos of the home's interior and its grounds, and opened her home to guests. "Occasional overflights are among those ordinary incidents of community life of which Streisand is part," Goodman wrote.
Bron: AP.
De fotografen-sectie van de NVJ, de NVF, ontwikkelt een website (met als adres www.defotojournalist.nl) die zal functioneren als een PR-portal voor alle leden. Zij kunnen hun eigen subsite beheren, en een portfolio met voorbeelden van hun werk plaatsen. Ook wordt een link gelegd naar eventuele eigen sites die leden al hebben. Voorzitter Hans Kouwenhoven: "Daarmee kan de grootste beeldbank van Nederland ontstaan". De fotojournalisten voeren vanaf hun sites zelf de prijsonderhandelingen en sparen zo geld uit voor stockbureaus of andere bemiddelaars.
woensdag, december 03, 2003
Vanavond is Martin Parr te zien in het programma Imagine op BBC1 van 23.35 tot 0.25.
The World According To Parr
The eccentric Martin Parr is widely considered to be the most influential British photographer of his generation. His photographs show the British way of life in all its fascinating detail, from women's institutes to birdwatching and fish and chips. Imagine... takes Parr back to his suburban roots to find out where his inspiration comes from, and back home in Bristol he takes Alan Yentob on a tour of his obsessive collections, from Saddam Hussein watches to tea trays and Beatles wallpaper.
The World According To Parr
The eccentric Martin Parr is widely considered to be the most influential British photographer of his generation. His photographs show the British way of life in all its fascinating detail, from women's institutes to birdwatching and fish and chips. Imagine... takes Parr back to his suburban roots to find out where his inspiration comes from, and back home in Bristol he takes Alan Yentob on a tour of his obsessive collections, from Saddam Hussein watches to tea trays and Beatles wallpaper.
Parker: Claire, I have to tell you something. I got into Yale. I heard yesterday. You don’t feel jealous or hate me, right?
Claire: No. (a little sarcastic) You worked really hard for it. Congratulations.
Parker: I know you didn’t play the game the way I did. But I’m sure you’ll get into UCLA, which is a really good school, too.
Claire: Actually, no, I didn’t make the cut. But they sent me a list of community colleges I could go to and said to try again next year. So I’m looking at East Valley.
Parker: Oh.
Claire: Hey, I’m gonna be a famous photographer and make a gazillion dollars taking pictures of anorexic models and fucked-up actors. So maybe I don’t even need to go to college, right?
Parker shrugs.
Claire: It’s a joke. I’m joking.
Parker: But you could. You should just become a photographer.
Claire shrugs.
Parker: Because, truthfully, East Valley is kind of a shitty school.
Six Feet Under
Claire: No. (a little sarcastic) You worked really hard for it. Congratulations.
Parker: I know you didn’t play the game the way I did. But I’m sure you’ll get into UCLA, which is a really good school, too.
Claire: Actually, no, I didn’t make the cut. But they sent me a list of community colleges I could go to and said to try again next year. So I’m looking at East Valley.
Parker: Oh.
Claire: Hey, I’m gonna be a famous photographer and make a gazillion dollars taking pictures of anorexic models and fucked-up actors. So maybe I don’t even need to go to college, right?
Parker shrugs.
Claire: It’s a joke. I’m joking.
Parker: But you could. You should just become a photographer.
Claire shrugs.
Parker: Because, truthfully, East Valley is kind of a shitty school.
Six Feet Under
Burgemeester Deetman van Den Haag heeft woensdag aangifte gedaan bij het Openbaar Ministerie omdat begin november een supporter van voetbalclub ADO Den Haag met ontbloot geslachtsdeel met de burgemeester op de foto is gegaan. De burgemeester schrijft aan de gemeenteraad dat hij op het moment van de foto geen enkel vermoeden had dat de man zich misdroeg.
Het Haagse college van burgemeester en wethouders meent dat de integriteit van de burgemeester is geschonden. Deetman heeft aangifte gedaan wegens schending van de openbare eerbaarheid en belediging. De man vroeg of Deetman met hem op de foto wilde, de burgemeester stemde in. Later bleek dat het geslachtsdeel van de supporter uit zijn broek hing. De foto is inmiddels op grote schaal verspreid via internet.
Bron: Nu.nl.
Het Haagse college van burgemeester en wethouders meent dat de integriteit van de burgemeester is geschonden. Deetman heeft aangifte gedaan wegens schending van de openbare eerbaarheid en belediging. De man vroeg of Deetman met hem op de foto wilde, de burgemeester stemde in. Later bleek dat het geslachtsdeel van de supporter uit zijn broek hing. De foto is inmiddels op grote schaal verspreid via internet.
Bron: Nu.nl.
From the 12th to the 14th of December, over 150 photojournalists and photographers from more than 30 countries will convene in Singapore for the ‘Click Art’ World Photojournalist Meet 2003. Among the speakers at this convention will be Steve McCurry.
Zaterdag 13 december om 14.00 signeert Erwin Olaf zijn boek Silver bij boekhandel Broese in Utrecht.

foto Prakash Singh
Slavery protest : Indian activists of the United Nations Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery pose as bonded labourers with their hands tied up by rope to mark the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery in New Delhi.
Nikon Europe has confirmed that an all-new lens-interchangeable digital SLR camera named the D70 will be introduced by Nikon for worldwide sale in the spring of 2004.
The D70 will offer features and technology that will surpass other products within the evolving digital SLR market, and provide high-quality digital output at an attractive price.
The D70 will be sold in Europe with a choice of lens kit options, one of which will include an all-new high-quality DX Format Nikkor zoom lens that covers wide-angle to telephoto focal lengths. The Body Only price is targeted to be approximately € 1,100.
Klik hier voor een afbeelding van de D70.
The D70 will offer features and technology that will surpass other products within the evolving digital SLR market, and provide high-quality digital output at an attractive price.
The D70 will be sold in Europe with a choice of lens kit options, one of which will include an all-new high-quality DX Format Nikkor zoom lens that covers wide-angle to telephoto focal lengths. The Body Only price is targeted to be approximately € 1,100.
Klik hier voor een afbeelding van de D70.
Een waarschuwing voor de paparazzi die posten bij het huis van Willem-Alexander en Máxima, in afwachting van "de geboorte":
Prins Willem-Alexander rijdt bijzonder hard over de bosweggetjes rond zijn villa. En gezien zijn eerdere uitlatingen over de pers (in woord en daad), kan men beter niet rekenen op uitwijkmanoeuvres op het laatste moment. Mocht het toch misgaan, dan zijn de kronkelende bosweggetjes uiterst moeilijk bereikbaar voor ambulances.
Prins Willem-Alexander rijdt bijzonder hard over de bosweggetjes rond zijn villa. En gezien zijn eerdere uitlatingen over de pers (in woord en daad), kan men beter niet rekenen op uitwijkmanoeuvres op het laatste moment. Mocht het toch misgaan, dan zijn de kronkelende bosweggetjes uiterst moeilijk bereikbaar voor ambulances.
Ik ga wekelijks een dagje thuis werken. Op vrijdag. Hoe dat in de praktijk uitpakt moet blijken. Maar ik ben vooral niet van plan zo'n man te worden die alleen zondag het vlees komt snijden.
GroenLinks-fractievoorzitter Femke Halsema, vorige maand bevallen van een tweeling.
dinsdag, december 02, 2003
De expositie 'De Aarde vanuit de Hemel' bij de Stopera is maandagochtend door 10 personen gewapend met boormachines en koevoeten beroofd van 3 foto's. Volgens de organisatie heeft het er alle schijn van dat er sprake is van diefstal op aanvraag, omdat de meest populaire foto's doelwit waren.
Een bewaker werd tijdens een poging de vandalen te stoppen aangevallen met een koevoet. Desondanks heeft hij de politie kunnen alarmeren. De dieven namen drie foto's mee en beschadigden nog acht andere. Doordat de politie snel ter plekke was, moesten de dieven twee gestolen foto's achterlaten.
De Deense organisatoren van de fotoexpositie bij de Stopera, Soren Rud en Stine Norden, zijn zeer geschokt over de diefstal van de drie enorme foto's van Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Zij hebben reeds negen tentoonstellingen in Europa georganiseerd en verkondigden dat de tentoonstelling in Amsterdam tot op dit moment de minste last had van vandalisme.
Alleen de foto van 'Dromedarissen in Mauretanië' is nog zoek. De organisatoren moedigen Amsterdammers aan om uit te kijken naar de enorme foto van 120x180cm bevestigd op een 20 kg wegende metalen plaat en dit aan te geven bij de politie of de organisatoren.
Bron: AT5.

Een bewaker werd tijdens een poging de vandalen te stoppen aangevallen met een koevoet. Desondanks heeft hij de politie kunnen alarmeren. De dieven namen drie foto's mee en beschadigden nog acht andere. Doordat de politie snel ter plekke was, moesten de dieven twee gestolen foto's achterlaten.
De Deense organisatoren van de fotoexpositie bij de Stopera, Soren Rud en Stine Norden, zijn zeer geschokt over de diefstal van de drie enorme foto's van Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Zij hebben reeds negen tentoonstellingen in Europa georganiseerd en verkondigden dat de tentoonstelling in Amsterdam tot op dit moment de minste last had van vandalisme.
Alleen de foto van 'Dromedarissen in Mauretanië' is nog zoek. De organisatoren moedigen Amsterdammers aan om uit te kijken naar de enorme foto van 120x180cm bevestigd op een 20 kg wegende metalen plaat en dit aan te geven bij de politie of de organisatoren.
Bron: AT5.

Panos Pictures has today launched its new website.
Panos Pictures is a London-based independent photo agency representing photojournalists worldwide. Panos photographers document issues and geographical areas which are under-reported, misrepresented or ignored in the current media climate, dominated by celebrity and lifestyle.
Panos Pictures is a London-based independent photo agency representing photojournalists worldwide. Panos photographers document issues and geographical areas which are under-reported, misrepresented or ignored in the current media climate, dominated by celebrity and lifestyle.
Vanavond in NOVA een interview met Asne Seierstad. Kijken!
Zondagavond is Hollands Zicht gewijd aan celebrity-fotograaf Anton Corbijn. In het Vara TV-magazine alvast een interview met hem.
maandag, december 01, 2003

foto Gurinder Osan
Muslim women wait in line outside a polling station in New Delhi, India, Monday, Dec. 1, 2003. Some 94 million people were eligible to vote in state elections Monday.
Een nagekomen bericht:
Onlangs is de Iraanse fotojournaliste Newsha Tavakolian (Polaris) getrouwd met NRC-correspondent Thomas Erdbrink. Naar verluidt was de bruiloft in Teheran een drie dagen durend spetterend feest.
Onlangs is de Iraanse fotojournaliste Newsha Tavakolian (Polaris) getrouwd met NRC-correspondent Thomas Erdbrink. Naar verluidt was de bruiloft in Teheran een drie dagen durend spetterend feest.

Het Sportjournaal besteedde vanavond uitgebreid aandacht aan hoe de meeste fotografen het magistrale doelpunt van Rafael van der Vaart tegen Feyenoord misten. Alleen Stanley Gontha had een foto die geslaagd kan worden genoemd, waar bijvoorbeeld Pim Ras (te ver weg) en René Bouwman (onscherp) ernaast zaten. Guus Dubbelman (Volkskrant) had ook zijn dag niet.
Tsja, dan kan je nog zulke dure digitale camera's met Silent-Wave objectieven hebben, gevoel voor timing is niet te koop. Zelfs met die kostbare apparatuur schiet je dan niet veel op. In het voordeel van de heren (en enkele dame) sportfotografen moet worden gezegd dat het zeker geen pretje is bij zulke wedstrijden, waar zij door de "supporters" met allerlei spullen worden bekogeld, variërend van mobiele telefoons tot bekers urine. Probeer dan je spullen maar eens schoon en je concentratie op de wedstrijd te houden.
Tsja, dan kan je nog zulke dure digitale camera's met Silent-Wave objectieven hebben, gevoel voor timing is niet te koop. Zelfs met die kostbare apparatuur schiet je dan niet veel op. In het voordeel van de heren (en enkele dame) sportfotografen moet worden gezegd dat het zeker geen pretje is bij zulke wedstrijden, waar zij door de "supporters" met allerlei spullen worden bekogeld, variërend van mobiele telefoons tot bekers urine. Probeer dan je spullen maar eens schoon en je concentratie op de wedstrijd te houden.
Barry L. Thumma, a retired Associated Press photographer who covered four presidents, has died. He was 56. In his 20-year career with AP, he traveled on more than 100 Air Force One flights to photograph presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
Thumma began his career in 1967 as a part-time photographer. He joined the AP in 1973 in Cincinnati, where he covered the Reds and the Bengals. Thumma worked in Columbus, Ohio, for two years as the state's photo editor before moving to Washington. He retired from the Washington bureau in 1993 because of a severe illness.
Bron: Associated Press.
Thumma began his career in 1967 as a part-time photographer. He joined the AP in 1973 in Cincinnati, where he covered the Reds and the Bengals. Thumma worked in Columbus, Ohio, for two years as the state's photo editor before moving to Washington. He retired from the Washington bureau in 1993 because of a severe illness.
Bron: Associated Press.
This December, NikonNet's "Legends Behind the Lens" honors the career, photographs and works of photojournalist Barbara Kinney.
Not many photographers can tell you the exact exposure that's needed to photograph in the Oval Office, but Barbara Kinney can. As personal photographer to President Bill Clinton, and one of four official White House photographers, Barbara spent six years capturing not only moments with world leaders, but also personal and quiet moments of the President and his family. Barbara built trust with the Clintons and got to know them personally, as they got to know her. "It's not like I walked in the first day and thought, well, let me go photograph the President or the family in a private moment. They have to trust me, and I have to get to know them," says Barbara of how she captured candid moments of the First Family.
In 1996, Barbara received a first place award from the World Press Photo Foundation for her image titled "Primping for Peace" -- an image that captured President Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein straightening their ties before an event at the White House.
Not many photographers can tell you the exact exposure that's needed to photograph in the Oval Office, but Barbara Kinney can. As personal photographer to President Bill Clinton, and one of four official White House photographers, Barbara spent six years capturing not only moments with world leaders, but also personal and quiet moments of the President and his family. Barbara built trust with the Clintons and got to know them personally, as they got to know her. "It's not like I walked in the first day and thought, well, let me go photograph the President or the family in a private moment. They have to trust me, and I have to get to know them," says Barbara of how she captured candid moments of the First Family.
In 1996, Barbara received a first place award from the World Press Photo Foundation for her image titled "Primping for Peace" -- an image that captured President Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein straightening their ties before an event at the White House.
I have discovered photography. Now I can kill myself. I have nothing else to learn.
Pablo Picasso
De fototentoonstelling van Erwin Olaf in het Groninger Museum heeft 45.000 bezoekers getrokken. Dat zei een woordvoerster maandag. De afgelopen twee maanden was in het museum een bloemlezing te zien uit het werk dat de fotograaf de afgelopen 25 jaar maakte.
Toen de bouw van het voetbalstadion Alvalade in Lissabon klaar was bleken als gevolg van een ontwerpfout enkele honderden zitplaatsen geen zicht te bieden op het veld. Het probleem werd opgelost door de plaatsen ter beschikking te stellen aan de blinden van Lissabon.
Bron: de Groene Amsterdammer.
Bron: de Groene Amsterdammer.
zondag, november 30, 2003
Vanmiddag in (Wachten op) Holland Sport: Hans Heus volgt Robin van Persie tijdens Ajax-Feyenoord.
VPRO, Ned.3, 17.00-17.50
VPRO, Ned.3, 17.00-17.50